Hospitality solutions
Because each hotel is unique, AVISTEL analyses your needs and advises you on tailor-made solutions.
The financing, installation and maintenance of your TV equipment are among the services offered by AVISTEL.
In-room Entertainment
We offer a complete range of televisions with a refined design including the TV programs of your choice.
TV Management
Centralized and fully customizable management of your system with the central AVISTEL server.
Adapted Architecture
According to your network architecture, we design a solution over IP, coax or hybrid network.
Years of expertise
Hotels equipped in France
Terminals running
Hotel Services
We work side by side to define together the best possible user experience for your guests.
In-room Entertainment
- Range of professional TVs and tablets of all sizes
- Multitude of content and programs:
- TNT channels
- Foreign and theme channels
- Box office movies
Communicate with your guests
- Internal TV channel allowing to share information messages, news and interviews
- Broadcast messages to specific areas, such as lobby, cafeteria and meeting rooms
Online hotel shop
- Give access to your online hotel shop via our secure digital media, by the network of Tv screens or our secure Set Top Box
Generate additional income
By marketing services with our payment solutions: billing software, online and mobile payment.
- Create and manage and online prison shop
- Control the content and prices of your multimedia
Staff Services
Services to facilitate the daily operation of the staff.
Manage your screens easily
- Centralized management of screens, automatic update of channels: no need to go to the cell to adjust the TVs
- Hotel mode making TV tamperproof
- Sound volume control
- Scheduled screen shutdown
- Management of parental control in centers for minors
- Power-up screens on a given channel: prison’info for example
- Proprietary and reliable protocol to manage channel access rights
Ease inspection
- Transparent back cover of televisions making it impossible to hide objects
- USB socket can be deactivated to avoid recharging mobile phones
Communicate with your staff
- Add an internal TV channel to communicate with staff:
- In break rooms
- Staff restricted areas
Provide highly secure digital media
- Hardened equipment: Rugged tablets, tactile PCs, Set top Boxes
- Wifi, USB ports and camera can be locked down or removed
- Protection against breakage and theft
- Remote management of applications
Our Clients
Meet our clients who trust us to digitalise their hotels.